Sevilla – the jewish tour

Jun 26, 2013   //   by Eva   //   Blog  //  Comments Off on Sevilla – the jewish tour

P6192861One of the biggest jewish communities used to live in Juderiah the jewish quarter of Seville, before the inquisition in 1492.

After beeing completely destroyed the area is now beautifully rebuilt, but only 90 jews returned to live in Seville, none of them live in this area.

We didn’t realize before taking the jewish tour that almost nothing original remained to to be seen. Our tour guide who was had a great knowledge of history and made the tour worthwhile.




once the entrance to a synagogue which was a mosque and later became  a church.









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during renovations a little piece of the synagogue was  exposed. It will be covered again as soon as enough money  will be collected to continue the renovatio



a new hotel was built in this quarter in beautiful moorish style






P6192817many pretty court yards

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P6192830and the tunnels under the hotel the hiding spots for jews during the inquisition are also beautifully fixed up






P6192847in a parking garage, behind the cars this gravestone is exhibited, the only one preserved hundreds were discarded








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